How to convert your voice into text?

Hi everyone! Today I am going to tell How to convert your voice into text?
     Sometimes it is hard to type paragraphs. Wouldn't it be great if your phone listens what you say and convert it into text ? And then so just copy it and send? So let's get into it.
1. For this you have to download an app called speechnotes. Click here to install it from play store. Or Click here to download the apk.
2. Install and open it.
3. Tap the record option and say anything. It will automatically convert it into text.
4. After you are finished tap on the share option to share it to Fb, whatsapp etc.
5. Another cool feature of this app is that you can change the language to which your desire. It has got a variety of languages including hindi, tamil, malayalam etc.
Tap on the language option to change the language.
Use microphones for best results.
    So that's it. Hope you liked the post and found it useful. Don't forget to share this to your friends. If you have not yet subscribed to my blog then pls subscribe to get email notifications of my future posts. You can also comment on what I should post next.
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