How to free up your phone space?

Hi everyone! Today I am going to tell How to free up your phone space?
When our phone runs out of space we think where our space has gone? This situation is encountered by every smartphone user. Our phone's space becomes full mostly because of saving photos and videos in more quality and resolution than we actually need. And other reason can be installing many apps that we don't use often. Today let's check an app called GOM saver. This app scans your saved photos and videos and will convert them to less quality and resolution that you need. By doing this you can really save a lot of space. So let's get into it.
1. Click here to install GOM saver from play store. Or Click here to download the apk file . Then install and open it.
2. First you will see an agreement. Close it.

Then go on swiping left and click start.

3. Then it will start scanning and will show how much space you can save. You can choose video or photo by touching the respective icons.

4. Then click on the blue icon. Then it tells you that the original files will be deleted and replaced by the converted ones. So if you want you can backup in your drive. Or else you can skip backup.
5. Then it will start converting. It may take sometime. It depends on how much photos or videos you have in your phone.
6. In the settings you can select whether you want to delete original files or not. Choose to which quality you want to convert and also select the maximum amount of auto selected files.

So that's it. Hope this post was helpful for you. Share this to your friends who have storage issues in their smart phones. If this post was not helpful then pls comment on what you want from me. And don't forget to subscribe my blog to get email notifications.
Thank you !


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